Put cash in your pocket or skip up to two months of house payments.
Trust the experts Gateway Mortgage to get you the best loan for your refinance through our network of direct lending sources. With over 100 wholesale lenders available you can rest assured our team of experts will find the best rates and terms available. Our mission is to ensure that you get the perfect loan to fit your needs.
We offer all major types of home loans.

Facing a divorce?
Every divorce situation is unique, so it is important to have a mortgage specialist conduct an analysis that takes into consideration all aspects of the properties involved coordinated with the priorities of the divorce attorney.

Choose a mortgage broker, not a bank.
Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions of your life. Don’t limit your purchasing power to only one lender with limited options. For over 30 years, Gateway Mortgage has shopped personalized loans for St. Louis homebuyers through a variety of lending sources to fit the needs of every customer.
Expert advice at your fingertips.
Give us a call today to speak to a licensed mortgage specialist.